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Become a Glo member today. With thousands of classes for every interest, experience level and schedule, all taught by world-class teachers, we make it easy to integrate yoga and meditation into your daily life.

Jason Crandell is a natural teacher and author with more than 15 years of experience. His accessible, grounded classes integrate the best elements of power yoga, anatomical precision and mindfulness teachings. With a "knack for teaching subtle body movements in a way that everyone can understand" (Yoga Journal), Jason's articulate, down-to-earth teaching will educate and empower you.

Named "one of the teachers shaping the future of yoga" by Yoga Journal, Jason has been one of the most in-demand teachers at conferences around the world for over a decade. Considered a "teachers-teacher", Jason has taught on countless teacher-training faculties, leads trainings globally, and regularly presents teacher-training content at esteemed conferences.

Jason is a contributing editor for Yoga Journal Magazine where he has published over 25 articles. His critical-thinking skills will support you on your path of practice, teaching and self-inquiry.

Jason's primary teacher is Rodney Yee, who was kind enough to say, "Jason is taking the art of teaching yoga to its next level.

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Level 2 45 mins

This is the perfect practice to unwind, with just enough movement to stay focused and engaged. Enjoy a relaxing, slow flow with 90/90 variations, Heron’s Pose, Lizard Lunge, Vishnu’s Couch (Sleeping Buddha), Wide-Legged Forward Fold, and Pigeon Pose variations to release every ounce of stress and tension in your body. This class previously aired on April 29, 2024.


Level 1 20 mins

Prepare for a restful night’s sleep in this gentle Hatha sequence that releases tension in your hips, back, and shoulders while staying low to the ground. Move through a calm, relaxing sequence with Cross-Legged Forward Fold and Side Bend, Gate Pose, modified Upavistha Konasana (Wide-Legged Seated Forward Fold), Gomukhasana variations, Seated Twist, and Child’s Pose. This class previously aired on April 24, 2024.


Level 1-2 60 mins

This practice strengthens and opens your entire body in a comprehensive sequence accessible to yoga newcomers. Start with Bird Dog, Down Dog, and Forearm Plank, then flow through Lunging Sun Salutations, Half Moon, Warrior II, and Boat Pose before finishing with hip openers. This class previously aired on April 22, 2024.

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